The Contra Costa County Historical Society charges $25.00 per naturalization record requested. This charge includes all associated documents in our files for that person.
A surcharge of $25.00 is added if you require us to have the documents certified.
Please use this new form to search our natualization database. You must enter some or all of a surname to search, and you can optionally add an approximate year of naturalization and search range (1, 2 or 5 years). The data entered for surname is not case sensitive. For example, "Richard", "RICHARD" and "richard" will return the same result.
You also have three search options available:
For example, if you enter the search string "SMITH", using the CONTAINS option will return entries for SMITH, SMITHSON and NESMITH. If you use the STARTS WITH option, only SMITH and SMITHSON will be returned. Finally, the EXACT option, only SMITH is returned.