One of the best instances which show the contrast between land values in the early days and now is the testimony in a suit tried in 1864. The action was over the Moraga Ranch in Contra Costa County. This ranch consisted of 13,000 acres and includes the present town of Moraga and also the land upon which St. Mary's College-the home of the "Marauding Moragans," also known as the "Galloping Gaels," is now located.
One of the questions involved in the case was the value of the land. One series of witnesses testified that it was worth $2.80 per acre and the other set of witnesses testified it was only worth fifty cents an acre. The Court was evidently in a mood to appreciate the high value of Contra Costa County land for it found with the witnesses who placed the higher amount on the land and gave judgment on the basis of $2.00 per acre. Who wouldn't like to buy the Moraga Ranch today, either with or without St. Mary's College at $2.00 per acre?