Recently, the Historical Society converted all of our previous bulletins to Adobe Acrobat format. During the course of this project, we came across a number of articles in these bulletins which we felt were of general interest, and have reprinted them here.
November, 2002
Historic Structures Preservation in Contra Costa County - The Historical Society's role in the preservation of the county's historical structures.
June/July 2002
Pinole Historical Exhibit - Special exhibit of Pinole historical artifacts at Pinole City Hall.
Walter E. Clare Finally Comes Home - A missing gravestone from Rose Hill Cemetery is found and returned after almost 40 years.
December, 2001
Contra Costa County Historical Society Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary - The Society's 50th Anniversary Celebration.
HISTORY: Earning the Future with the Past - Betty Maffei, directory of the CCCHS History Center, comments on the importance of remembering and preserving our history.
Our Past: Future's Treasure - Current CCCHS president Lucille Irish briefly looks back at the past 50 years of the Contra Costa County Historical Society.
The Making of an Historical Society - This article, reprinted from the Spring 1965 edition of the Contra Costa Chronicles, talks about the early years of the CCCHS.
March, 1996
Monkeying with History - A little photographic legerdemain from Richard Olgar of the Bancroft Library.
November, 1989
Oleum Stands for Petroleum - The rise and fall of a company town.
July, 1988
The Wood Family of Sycamore Valley The history of the family behind San Ramon Valley's Wood Ranch.
A historical service of
the Contra Costa County Historical Society
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